Meet “Buzzo”! A 2 months old German Shepherd pup. With its dangling ears, furry body, blissful eyes, tongue hanging out and a wagging tail, Buzzo was a heartthrob!! Buzzo had become everyone’s apple of eye at Bagdara Farms, while he would play around. Until one unfortunate day when Buzzo ate something wrong! Due to lack of medical knowledge and healthcare at the farms, everyone was helpless and Buzzo couldn’t be saved. His tiny soul departed the world and bid goodbye forever!
Animals are beauties created by God. And they have every right to live as much as we have. There can be nothing as brutal as seeing them dying just because of lack of medical facilities. For being a little more evolved species than the rest of the animals, we are more equipped and empowered (in all ways, including science and medicines!). Thus it becomes our moral responsibility to nurse these fellow beings.
So, if you have expertise in animal handling and healthcare, these creatures are screaming for your help! You can come volunteer and be with us and spend some time loving the animals here and possibly providing means of good healthcare for them. Love, comfort and some time spent with these furr babies will give you and them a chance to bond and live a healthy life.
Let there not be “Buzzo” incidences anymore. All we need is the right people, at the right place and at the right time.
The animals can’t speak your language but you surely can understand their needs. Their needs are basic. Their needs are simple. Let us fulfill them with your voluntary love filled actions.
Your One Voluntary Act Can Seek You Thousands Of Blessings!
“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I see a soul.” A. D. Williams.
And Some Animal Friend Of Yours Is In Need Of Your Care Just Now. Be There For Them.