
Work On These Health Conditions:




What is Soja-k?

Sleep is essential for all living beings, as it is what helps the body systems recoup from the struggles of the day. Sleep is as important for a child as eating food, drinking water and breathing in air, as proper sleep will ensure that they are able to do all of these things better. Especially the young adults/kids need to sleep for proper hours, to ensure that their mental and physical development is not affected in any way. When your child gets adequate sleep, it lowers the risk of them becoming overweight and developing juvenile diabetes.  A good night’s sleep protects kids from vascular damage due to circulating stress hormones.

Effects of not getting enough sleep in kids:

  • Limits their cognitive ability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Unable to learn and retain
  • Lack of concentration
  • Leads to skin problems like acne and pimples

A special product which has been carefully crafted keeping in my mind the importance of sleep for our kids overall development. The high curcumin content loaded with anti-oxidant properties in Soja-k, enhances and encourages the production of dopamine and serotonin, which ensures that your young adults and little ones can enjoy a good night’s rejuvenating and energizing sleep. Soja-k checks the prime cause of sleeplessness like hyperactivity, stress and anxiety levels in kids. By keeping stress and anxiety in check, Soja-k successfully lifts their mood and they wake up as good as new after an invigorating night of peaceful sleep.

Why & How Soja-k Works?

  • The anti-oxidant property of curcumin in Soja-k reduces the oxidative stress and fights the free radicals, which helps release stress and relaxes the child. A relaxed mind and body are the most conducive requirements for a good night’s sleep.
  • Serotonin is the prime requirement to maintain regular sleep patterns and Soja-k works its magic and increases the serotonin levels.
  • Soja-k is rich in magnesium and potassium and these are the best muscle relaxants that help promote sleep, which is essential for healthy growth.
  • Inflammation in the body affects the sleep patterns of children and makes them cranky and they appear fatigued and lethargic. The high curcumin content in Soja-k and its anti-inflammatory property checks all the inflammation in the body.
  • This path-breaking formulation, Soja-has innumerable anti-septic and antibiotic properties, it thus kicks out allergies and various growing pains associated with sleepless in children.
  • Soja-k calms down the frayed nerves lowers the blood sugar levels and boosts the child’s immunity, all of which helps the child get better and relaxing sleep.


  • 100% organic
  • 100% vegetarian
  • Gluten free
  • Farm grown
  • No pesticide or fertilizers
  • Non-GMO
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-septic
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Relaxant

Soja-k is grown, processed and manufactured amidst the beautiful lands of Bagdara Farms, maintaining the highest standards of organic farming, without using any artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

Please Note – It is advisable to start the dosage for all age limits in small quantity and then gradually increase it. It is also important to be cautious, not to give this product to children below the age of 2 years.