With our wide range of especially curated turmeric products and their healthy attributes, you may want to inquire more or require assistance while browsing to know which product best suits your requirement. Feel free to ask us anything about our products for your ailments.

145 thoughts on “Bagdara Consultant

  1. Hai
    I am suffering from allergic rhinitis for last two months
    Can you suggest medicine or supplement for the same

    1. Hello Mr Reddy, You should do a 1 year subscription of our supplement Turmflu. This is going to relieve you of not just rhinitis but also other allergies you deal with seasonally. You can order this from our website bagdarafarms.com/product/turmflu

  2. Do you have something to improve a very week urinary bladder of a young kid.Also for week kidney function

    1. Hello S K Nautiyal
      Thank you for writing to us. We would like to talk on call to understand the problem, as a young child is concerned so after consulting on call, we can give you the best probable solution with our products here at Bagdara Farms. You can either give us a msg on whatsapp or call us on 8368806303. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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      Namrata Toor
      Bagdara Consultant
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    1. Hi Mr Aditya, thank you for writing to us. We do have a supplement Tummyric, which we recommend for IBS prevention & treatment. It is an organic supplement made of high percentage curcumin, a medicinal component found in turmeric. You can view all details from the following link https://bagdarafarms.com/product/tummyric/ and you can also call us on +91 9560254646 or share your number with us and our team will assist you to understand the proper usage, dosage, and time period for treatment. We look forward to hearing from you.

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