Что такое ботокс и как он работает Инъекции ботокса состоит из ботулинический яд, используемый для временного расслабления мышц и уменьшения морщин. Таким образом, разгладить складки на лице, делая его более гладким и молодым. Ботокс работает путем передачи нервных сигналов к мышцам, что приводит к их временной слабости. Применение ботокса также может помочь в лечении ряда […]
Read MoreCategory: Liver Cirrhosis
Преимущества ботокса с быстрым действием
Как работает ботокс Инъекции ботокса состоит из ботулинический яд, используемый для временного расслабления мышц и уменьшения морщин. Это позволяет уменьшить складки на лице, придавая ему более молодой и свежий вид. Когда можно увидеть первые результаты ботокса Изменения после ботокс когда ожидать результатыа появляются чаще всего через 3-5 дней после применения, в некоторых случаях наблюдаются уже […]
Read MoreКак ускорить эффект от ботокса
Как действует ботокс на кожу Ботокс представляет собой медицинский препарат, служит для блокировки нервных импульсов к мышцам, что уменьшает видимость морщин. Таким образом, уменьшить линии на лице, придавая ему более молодой и свежий вид. Ботокс предотвращает сокращение мышц, отвечающих за образование морщин, тем самым разглаживая их. Применение ботокса также может помочь в лечении ряда медицинских […]
Read MoreTurmeric & Alchorid: Preventing Liver Cirrhosis in Drinkers
Introduction: Liver cirrhosis is a severe and irreversible liver disease that occurs due to long-term alcohol abuse. It is characterized by the scarring of the liver tissue, leading to loss of liver function and eventually, liver failure. However, recent studies have shown that turmeric, a spice widely used in Indian cuisine, may have a significant […]
Read MoreHealth Benefits of Turmeric: Nature’s Golden Wellness Spice
Unlocking the Golden Secrets: The Incredible Health Benefits of Turmeric Revealed! Introduction: Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is a yellow-orange spice commonly used in Indian and Asian cuisine. But this humble spice is more than just a flavor enhancer – it’s also packed with powerful health benefits. For centuries, turmeric has been used […]
Read MoreHow to reduce fat around the liver naturally
ALL ABOUT THE PAINFUL NON ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASES Our liver is the largest organ in the body, and it has some equally big tasks to perform: sieving the body’s blood, treating nutrients, helping to combat infection, generating proteins you need for blood clotting, and the list is long. So much work means our liver […]
Listen To Article As small as the liver may seem to be, it has a very vital role to play in maintaining the proper health. It has multiple functions to perform from digesting the fat, storing the excess of energy in the form of glycogen to metabolism and detoxification. Since it is doing so much […]
Read MoreCurcumin Best For Your Liver
Listen To Article We live in times when people are not scared to try new diets, new foods. Everything that is the trend catches our fancy what we don’t realize is that this unthinking race tends to have a negative effect on our organs. The huge network of organs are linked and if one organ […]
Read MoreDetox Naturally With Curcumin
Listen To Article The process of resting, cleansing and nourishing the body has been practised in Ayurveda for centuries so let us not think that detoxification is a new age find. Detoxification gives your body a new lease on energy and vigour as when you eliminate toxins and remove them from your body and provide […]
Read MoreUsing the Power of Curcumin to Fight Wilson’s Disease
Not many have heard about Wilson’s disease as it is a rare genetic condition that affects those who unfortunately inherit a faulty mutation of the ATP7B gene from their parents. As a result of this disorder, there is an accumulation of copper deposits in various parts of the body including the liver and the brain. […]
Read MoreCurcumin To Treat Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
YOUNG, OBESE AND AT A RISK OF LIVER DISEASE I live in hell everyday with severe back, liver and stomach pain and nausea since I had my gallbladder out. My liver kills me and gives me horrible pain and I barely eat. This is very common to expect out of a person suffering from Non […]
Read MorePrevent liver cancer with this curcumin supplement
Listen To Article A disease that has been on the rampant these days is liver cancer. In India, there have been more cases in the recent past, especially because our lifestyles have changed and there is less and less focus and attention that we pay to our health. There are unhealthy habits that we have […]
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