Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment with Calmya
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The proper functioning of our body is dependent on the flexibility of muscles and joints. One of the diseases that can inflict a person is rheumatoid arthritis and other issues of joint.  In Latin ‘Arth’ means joint and itis means inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of the joints. Is Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment possible?

What is meant by an autoimmune disease?

Auto means self and in this condition, the very own immune system of the body takes the linings of the joint as a foreign body, attacks them and in the bargain results in damage, inflammation, nd pain. Mostly the distal joints like that of the knees, wrist and hands are majorly affected. It can also cause permanent joint destruction flowed by deformity.

Anupama’s mother had some common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis like joint swelling, pain and stiffness.

The symptoms that are seen otherwise are as follows:

  1. Fever
  2. Loss of range of motion
  3. Joint redness, joint deformity and limping
  4. Anaemia

There are a few risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis too:

  1. Genetics
  2. Silica inhalation
  3. Smoking
  4. Gut bacteria
  5. Periodontal diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis that begins in individuals under 16 years of age is referred to as juvenile idiopathic arthritis. A lot many people are confused about the difference between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The main difference is that osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory disease where the cartilage of the joints may be affected asymmetrically. There are again many complications of rheumatoid arthritis as it is a systemic disease.

The inflammation caused in the eyes and mouth can cause dryness on these areas and is referred to as Sjogren’s disease. Arthritis related inflammation of the lungs can cause chest pain, breathlessness and coughing. A serious yet rare complication of rheumatoid arthritis is vasculitis which means blood vessel inflammation. It can impair blood supply to tissues and lead to tissue necrosis.

The various stages of rheumatoid arthritis are:

  1. Stage 1: X-ray does not show any damage, though signs of bone thinning may be seen.
  2. Stage 2: Slight cartilage damage may be seen, joint mobility may be limited, atrophy of adjacent muscle
  3. In Stage 3: Evidence of cartilage and bone damage and bone thinning around the joint, abnormalities of soft tissues around joint possible, extensive muscle atrophy
  4. Stage 4: Osteoporosis around the joint, joint deformity with permanent fixation of the joint

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

It is unfortunate that there is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis. The main goal of the treatment is to manage and control the joint inflammation, pain, prevent joint destruction and deformity.  The first line of drugs like aspirin and corticosteroids are used to reduce pain and inflammation. The second line of drugs is slow acting drugs like hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate and is used to prevent progressive joint destruction. At times, immunosuppressive drugs can also be given to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but because of the side effects, it is mostly reserved for patients who have an aggressive form of the disease.

In few cases with severe joint deformity, surgery may be recommended to restore joint mobility and repair damaged joints. Total joint replacement is another surgical procedure wherein a destroyed joint can be replaced with artificial materials. The large joints like that of the hip and knees are replaced with metals.

Yes, all the above information on treatment of any form of arthritis does seem to be overwhelming and scary at the same time. Calmya from Bagdara Farms is an interesting product which can prove to be an alternate therapy for arthritis.

Why so? The reason is that this wonderful product is enriched with the goodness of curcumin and turmerone which have many therapeutic properties which can help ease out the symptoms and prevent arthritis.

Let’s have a look

  • Curcumin which is a potent anti-inflammatory agent can stop the formation of enzymes called COX, Prostaglandin E 2 and inflammatory cytokines which target the soft tissues of the joints during rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Turmerone and curcumin can also reduce or altogether stop the process of degeneration in arthritic bones, tissues and joints.
  • Damage prevented is damage controlled. Curcumin can induce the programmed cell death in cells  containing the extensive damage and prevents them from dividing and passing on the damage to other newly made cells.
  • Curcumin offers a protective effect on the joints by preventing the inflammation.
  • The anti arthritis drugs have their own side effects which can be reversed with the regular consumption of curcumin and turmerone.

The antioxidant properties of curcumin can help to prevent the oxidation in the cells of the joints so that there is a reduction in degeneration of the tissue.

  • Curcumin is also known to benefit arthritic patients by helping them in pain management.

Recommended dosages of Calmya for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

 For 6-9 years old

Take ¼ tsp Calmya, a pinch of black pepper, few drops of edible oil and boil with once cup of water. Drink this twice a day.

For 10 years and above

Boil a glass of milk with ½ tsp Calmya, a pinch of black pepper and cinnamon. Once boiled, add honey and have it twice a day.

It is advisable to start the intake of the product in small quantities and gradually increasing it for maximum benefits.

Buy Calmya now and get relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis.

3 thoughts on “Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment with Curcumin, Find out How..

  1. I was diagnosed of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA) in July 2009, It started in two fingers on my right hand and one finger in my left hand. The right side of my body was constantly aching and fatigue was so severe. I was put on Naprosyn and after some time i didn’t feel any different, so i started on a natural treatment from RICH HERBS FOUNDATION, their RA FORMULA treatment effectively reversed my Rheumatoid Arthritis condition. The swellings, stiffness, fatigue and joint/muscle pains has subsided. I feel better overall. Visit www. richherbsfoundation. com. Six months after the treatment, I made an appointment with a rheumatologist in Houston, after examining me, she looked at me and told me I did not have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

    1. We are more than happy to help you out. You can use our product Calmya. It will provide you relief from all the pain and discomfort you are having, further will help with improving the movement in the fingers. You can get details about the product from the following link and you can also order from the same link https://bagdarafarms.com/product/calmya/

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