What would it feel like if one had to put a stop to one’s favorite activities because they had no control over their bladder( that is what people say when one has to visit the washroom frequently)? In the case of men, it is the prostate more than the bladder that is responsible for this […]

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Why Mexamin-S4 As a Supplement Helps To Increase The Sperm Count

Why Mexamin-S4 As a Supplement Helps To Increase The Sperm Count

Listen To Article Cause of Low Sperm Count There could be innumerable reasons apart from our lifestyle that can affect the sperm count in men. Low sperm count does not only affect the men physiologically, but it can also affect their mental state too. Impaired fecundity and the problem of low sperm count are on […]

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Curcumin Treats Male Infertility Improve Sperm Count … Bagdara Farms

Curcumin Treats Male Infertility Improve Sperm Count … Bagdara Farms

Listen To Article Male Sperm Count Problem is Raising  Male fertility is slowly catching up to be a medical issue amongst men. About one in every five couple is facing a problem starting a family due to male infertility, and about one in every 100 men, there is no sperm in his ejaculate. The primary […]

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Alcohol Consumption Could Lead To Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy?

Alcohol Consumption Could Lead To Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy?

What is Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy? Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a disease in which the chronic long-term abuse of alcohol (i.e., ethanol) leads to heart failure. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy. Due to the direct toxic effects of alcohol on the heart muscle, the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently, leading to heart failure. […]

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Hyperglycemia Treatment with the Help of Curcumin

Hyperglycemia Treatment with the Help of Curcumin

Hyperglycemia Treatment with the Help of Curcumin What do you mean by Hyperglycemia? Hyperglycemia is a condition that diabetics all over the world are wary of. They are educated by their physicians to be very cautious of this condition and keep a watchful eye towards its triggers. Hyperglycemia cause when the glucose level in the […]

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