Silent-Killer hypertension
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Hypertension is the disease of the modern age and is undoubtedly a very common health concern across the globe. If not addressed in the right earnest, it can lead to major health issues. The adrenaline in the bloodstream increases due to mental tension and worry which in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise. The initial symptom may be in the form of pain in the back of the head and neck on waking up in the morning, which soon disappears. The first line of treatment of primary hypertension is by adopting modifications to our lifestyles as well as diets.

An overweight and obese individual should try to maintain weight slightly below the normal level and then gradually lose weight with passing time.

Apart from maintaining fluid and electrolyte imbalance, the intake of sodium should be reduced. This can be achieved by eating wheat, rice, maize, jowar, bajra or ragi, all kinds of dals, fish, chicken, and toned milk.

A person suffering from hypertension should try to lead a healthy lifestyle by avoiding smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol. Needless to mention, physical activity like walking four times a week for forty minutes daily will be beneficial.

How Hypertension Can Be Controlled

Diet should be nutritious. Consume more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products with a reduced content of saturated and unsaturated fat. Vegetables in the form of salads should preferably be taken raw. If cooked, it should be ensured that the natural goodness in them is not destroyed while cooking. Cucumber, carrot, tomato, onion, and radish can be taken in the form of salads.

Adequate intake of calcium is an essential part of the treatment and this could be ensured through adequate consumption of milk and milk products, green vegetables as well as cereals and pulses.

Red meat, eggs, canned foods, baked products as well as canned vegetables tend to increase blood pressure and thus, should be taken occasionally and in moderate quantity.

One herb which has proved its potency in lowering blood pressure is garlic. By virtue of its antispasmodic property, it inherently provides immense relief from lack of sensitivity, giddiness, dyspnea, and even formation of gas within.

All drugs taken for hypertension are toxic and have side-effects and moreover, they do not remove the cause. The safest way is to follow a well-balanced diet. Meals should be taken in a relaxed atmosphere and ensure that food is chewed well. As far as possible, avoid having dinner late.