The dreaded word ‘cancer’ imparts more fright than death. The ailment has become a big risk globally, irrespective of age, social status, physical fitness, gender, etc.
It not only weighs heavy on one’s health, but also emotions, time, and money. Even today cancer affects the popular imagination with fear. It is a known fact that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer for women worldwide, afflict approximately 25% of all women malignancies with an advanced prevalence in established countries.
The notorious Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death among females in the world.
Is There A Natural Way Out?
Medicinal turmeric for breast cancer
While there are many- many treatments available for breast cancer, However, herbal treatment (curcumin) for cancer patients supports the best chance of efficaciously handling cancer, while plummeting the side effects of treatment as much as possible.
Curcumin, found in medicinal turmeric, has been used in the therapeutic arsenal for clinical oncology. Curcumin has chemo-preventive and anti-tumour actions that combat some belligerent and recurring cancers.
How Does Bagdara Farms Carcirid Do It?
What is Carcirid ?
Carcirid is a phenomenal product, conceived and specially bottled to fight deadly cancer at Bagdara Farms, in the most natural and organic way.
- Curcumin found in Carcirid helps in striking the cell cycle; it controls many routes in the afflicted breast cells and keeps unharmed tissues vigorous by averting the frenzied cell growth and metastasis of breast cancer cells.
- Curcumin found abundantly is an expedient plant-based supplement due to its physiological nature, which comprises anti-oxidative, pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative, and anti-angiogenic effects. With the help of these properties and other natural processes, the action of curcumin seems to avert/deter cancer cell growth at the time of cancer management while restraining side-effects.
- Carcirid has very strong anti-oxidant properties. Its neutral radicals stimulate the body’s own antioxidant enzymes.
- With all its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, medicinal turmeric diminishes cancer evolution by aiming at numerous related paths and thwarting molecule deregulation.
According to The Journal of Young Investigators
Complementary and alternative therapy for breast cancer
Curcumin in medicinal turmeric displays anti-cancer activities, which destroy the progression of tumour cells and deter cancer invasion and metastasis. Curcumin in medicinal turmeric plays a significant part in treating breast cancer, by stimulating cancer cell death, curtailing inflammation, and slowing down tumour growth.
The Effect of Curcumin on Breast Cancer Cells
Mentions how Curcumin can inhibit breast cancer-related leptin gene expressions in T47D (invasive ductal carcinoma), which are breast cancer cell lines (HTB-133) with the metastatic origin and a decrease in leptin gene expression and secretion was positively connected with a decline in ERα expression
The chemo-preventive mediator of curcumin has natural, therapeutic, and synthetic substances that slay or slow tumour formation in breast cancer with insignificant side effects.
Role of Anti-Inflammatory in breast cancer
Mentions that medicinal turmeric abundant in curcumin has resilient anti-inflammatory properties, which condense pain and abate whole-body impairment after radiation treatment. Medicinal turmeric also safeguards the p53 gene in pre-cancerous breast cells when the remnant DNA is impaired and is shielding in possible pre-cancerous or re-cancerous cells without causing any side effects.
Polyphenols to prevent cancer
Curcumin, the wonder polyphenol in medicinal turmeric overpowers MMP gene manifestation activity. Curcumin brings down metastatic commotion in estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer cells. It further augments sensitivity and prompts apoptosis to tamoxifen.
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Many studies and experiments direct that curcumin could inhibit breast cancer cells and BCSCs. Moreover, the very natural curcumin found in medicinal turmeric could apply its anticancer effect individually or in amalgamation with other cancer drugs and is thus an impending innovative therapy for breast cancer.
Carcirid is one such product that is extremely rich in curcumin and is curated to inhibit breast cancer cells. It causes no side effects. No harm in trying an organic alternate therapy. Till then stay safe and hold on to the golden gift of nature.
Buy our initial course for 2 months with 3 Carcirid bottles which you can take keep in your travel bag whenever you travel. A natural way to heal your Breast Cancer without any side effects and unwanted chemicals.