Tabbycin-C a boon for Cat's skin and fur

If you want to know the condition of your cat’s overall health check the skin as it is a dead giveaway of your cat’s health.

If your cat is scratching, licking or chewing the skin, be wary your cat might have a skin problem that needs attention.

What Can Cause Skin Infections In Your Cat?

There could be various reasons for your cat’s skin condition from external parasites, to seasonal changes to internal reasons, it is important to investigate and find the causative factor. The most common external factors are:

  • Ringworm: Highly contagious fungal infection can lead to inflammation, scaly patches and hair loss. Lesions appear on head, ears, and paws. Needs immediate attention as other pets and people in the house can get infected.
  • Fleas: Cats have an allergic reaction to fleas, excessive scratching, thinning of hair above the base of tail, crusts and red raised skin lesions.
  • Other external parasites: Ear mites cause redness and itching around the ears. Lice cause itching and rash mites to cause severe flaking of the skin.
  • Seasonal allergies: Constant scratching may also be an allergic reaction to allergens from trees, mold and grasses.
  • Food allergies: Your cat’s immune system may see many foods, fillers and colouring as foreign things and can cause itching and rashes.
  • Seasonal changes: Like people many cats develop dry skin during winters.
  • Grooming products: Certain grooming products may lead to an allergic reaction in the form of rashes
  • Bacterial or yeast infections
  • Tumours
  • Stress: Anxiety may make your cat lick or scratch excessively.

Signs That Your Cat Has Skin Problems:

  • Constant scratching, licking and chewing the skin especially around the head and neck
  • Scabs
  • Redness or inflammation
  • Dry, flaky, irritated skin
  • Rashes
  • Hair loss, bald patches
  • Lumps or skin discolouration
  • Drainage of blood or pus

The Right Time To See Your Vet:

As soon as you notice any of the signs, you must visit your vet. He will ask about the symptoms when you noticed them and would conduct tests to rule out conditions and make a correct prognosis.

  • Skin scraping for mites
  • Tape test for parasites
  • Bacterial culture
  • Skin biopsy
  • Blood tests

Your Vet Would Also Advise You To Use:

  • Natural products for grooming
  • Healthy diet
  • Keep your house clean
  • Flea treatment
  • Provide calm living conditions for your cat.

To ensure that your friend and companion stays healthy and happy, make this very important transition and get Tabbycin-C from Bagdara Farms.

Why Tabbycin-C?

  • Tabbycin-C is a curcumin-rich, organic option for dealing with parasites in cats. Research has proved that curcumin, an organic substance that is proved to be one of the healthiest herbs for humans as well as cats, has the potential to reduce inflammation caused by parasites.
  • It has also been reported that curcumin helps in protecting the liver from harmful chemicals. These toxic chemicals are usually present in de-worming medicines. Curcumin can also be used for treating infections caused by fungal or internal parasites.
  • Its antiparasitic properties were studied only a few years ago, and it was understood that curcumin could act on parasites even on cellular levels. These studies also included research on the effects of the organic treatment on parasites found in animals.
  • Moreover, the antibacterial and antifungal properties found in Tabbycin-C can help in treating several skin conditions in cats, including lesions caused by ringworm.
  • Another significant aspect of Tabbycin-C is its blood thinning properties. This natural blood-thinner prevents clots; this helps in severe cases of heartworm.
  • Unlike several de-worming medicines and painkillers, Tabbycin-C doesn’t possess any harmful side-effects that may cause significant health problems in cats after a particular treatment is over.
  • The dominant anti-inflammatory property of Curcumin in Tabbycin-C checks inflammation thus preventing itching.
  • The anti-inflammatory property of Curcumin present in Tabbycin-C prevents swelling or any form of inflammation and checks dryness.
  • The antiseptic qualities of Curcumin combat all kinds of infections and inhibit sepsis.
  • Being an antibiotic, the Curcumin in Tabbycin-C also kills the bacteria thus checking the spread of bacterial infections.

The Ideal Way To Give Your Cat Tabbycin-C

Tabbycin-C Can Be Mixed With A Pinch Of Black Pepper Powder And Boiled With Milk And Given To The Cat Once Daily, As Per Size Of Your Cat.

1/4 Tsp For A Small Cat, ½ Tsp. For A Medium Sized Cat And 1 Tsp. For A Large Cat.

Be alert and watchful and make Tabbycin-C a part of your tabby’s life to give them the glossy coat.

1 thought on “Curcumin To Protect Your Cat’s Skin And Fur

  1. I own a Persian cat which always had a good and fluffy fur. All the kids loved playing with it and it sweetly obliged. I guess with so much of playing around, my cat started losing her fur. The vet then diagnosed some kind of skin infection. After the initial dosages of antibiotics, I started giving her Tabbycin-C and saw good results. Now the kids can play as much as they want to with it!

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