
Work On These Health Conditions:




What is Carcirid?

Carcirid is a special formulation from Bagdara Farms to forestall breast cancer, which is the most common cancer in the world. Carcirid with abundant curcumin and plethora of pharmacological properties is extremely efficient in treating breast cancer, by the virtue of its property to induce cell death, bring down inflammation and inhibit the growth of tumor. Blessed with bio-active curcumin, Carcirid plays an important role in breast cancer inhibition and post – therapy prevention of cancer from recurring. Carcirid is the most organic form of treatment you can gift yourself, without worrying about any side effects or chemical reaction.

Properties Of Carcirid:

  • Carcirid being rich in curcumin aids in the prevention of breast cancer by maintaining the normal signaling and growth of the cells.
  • Carcirid through its super therapeutic anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties protect the cells from inflammation and oxidation, it also ensures that the cells keep away from converting into cancer cells.
  • Carcirid kills the tumour, fixes the cancer and its signs and symptoms.
  • It wards off all kinds of pain linked with breast cancer and its treatment due to curcumins natural analgesic property, without causing any side-effects.
  • The curcumin in Carcirid inhibits metastasis in advanced breast cancers, by regulating their signaling process.
  • Carcirid has a chemo-preventive action on the breast cells against recurrence of cancer after therapy.


  • Anti-oxidant and anti-viral
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Prevents metastasis
  • Chemo-protective ability
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Immune-modulatory
  • Non-GMO
  • Free of pesticides/fertilizers
  • Wild strand
  • Natural analgesic
  • 100% Vegetarian

The product is grown and processed organically by using the highest standards of manufacturing, without having any harm on wildlife and keeping in view a softer look towards the Mother Nature.

Please Note – It is advisable to start the dosage for all age limits in small quantity and then gradually increase it. It is also important to be cautious, not to give this product to children below the age of 2 years.

Additional information


100% raw root powder Medicinal Grade Curcuma Longa also known as Turmeric.


60gms or 2.1 oz


Bagdara Farms, Madhya Pradesh, India


Bright Yellow

Key Feature

100% Organic


  • Take 200-250ml of water (2 cups), ½ tsp of Carcirid, ¼ tsp black pepper powder and boil it till the quantity is reduced to 1 cup. Once boiled, pour the mixture in a cup without straining it, add ½ tsp honey and few drops of lemon juice, and drink it when it is hot to lukewarm.
  • Make sure not to gulp down the drink in one go. Keep each sip in your mouth for 20-30 seconds and then gulp it down. This has to be taken twice a day, morning and evening, either before your meals or around 2 hours after your meals.
  • A gap of 1-2 hours should be kept so that the stomach/gut is empty when the drink reaches it. Take this drink twice daily for best results.