Calmya Capsule

Work On These Health Conditions:




What is  Calmya Capsule?

Human body is the most evolved machine known to mankind. It performs a series of functions and keeps us alive. When there is some kind of an ailment or injury caused to the body, it generally shows symptoms, pain being the most common one. Pain is an unpleasant and uncomfortable sensation which is sent in the form of signals to the brain to let it know that there is some problem in the body. To help you relieve from those highly uncomfortable sensations, Bagdara Farms has for you Calmya Capsule, it is a natural alternative to those harmful drugs which can have serious side effects.

Calmya Capsule is a natural and organic solution to help you get relief from pain naturally and without causing any side effects. It brings a meditative relief from pain caused due to various ailments and injuries. Calmya Capsule is the answer to all your pains in the body. For arthritis knee pain treatment, Calmya Capsule is the best answer.

Properties Of Curcumin In Calmya Capsule:

  • Calmya Capsule has anti-inflammatory property which helps in combating any swellings in the body caused due to various kinds of pains and aches linked to innumerable ailments.
  • Calmya Capsule helps greatly in thwarting the degeneration of the tissues, making it one of the best natural remedies for joint pain, which is seen in rheumatoid arthritis and other related joint pains. It is also known to protect the joint, by cornering the inflammation in the joint pain and preventing it from spreading to the other joints.
  • It is a natural painkiller and has analgesic property. It helps in mitigating stiffness of the bones and joints and has no side effects.
  • It has anti-microbial properties, which fights off and prevents infections caused by harmful microbes.
  • Calmya Capsule not only brings down the pain and swelling, but it also helps you overcome the side effects of anti-arthritic drugs and rules out possibility of developing complications associated with it.
  • It improves the overall function and mobility of the body.
  • The anti-oxidant property of curcumin in Calmya Capsule wards off all kinds of oxidative stress on the body.


  • Natural body-pain reliever
  • Prevents Arthritis-relieves joint stiffness
  • Anti-Arthritic
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Powerful anti-oxidant
  • Great anti-bacterial
  • Improves physical functional & mobility
  • Reduces swelling of limbs
  • Highly enriched with vitamins, minerals, calcium & iron
  • No use of pesticides/fertilizers
  • 100% vegetarian

The product is grown and processed organically by using the highest standards of manufacturing without having any harm on wildlife and keeping in view a softer look towards the Mother Nature.

Please Note – It is advisable to start the dosage for all age limits in small quantity and then gradually increase it. It is also important to be cautious, not to give this product to children below the age of 2 years.