Turmflu fight the seasonal flu effectively

With the change of season comes the challenge of protecting oneself and one’s family against the flu. If you have been pulled down by frequent flu attacks, then Turmflu is what you need.

Symptoms to watch out for flu:

Most of the times the symptoms of flu can be confused with a cold. If you have any of these symptoms then you might be down with flu.

  • High temperature
  • Cold sweats and shivering
  • Feeling exhausted and fatigued
  • Joint pain
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and nausea

The best way to keep the flu at bay is to watch out for the early symptoms. The earliest symptoms are a sore throat, fatigue and cold.

The best way to combat the flu is to stay away from pharmaceutical products as they always have some side-effects. One must start with medication within 48 hours of the first symptoms.  Turmflu is the safest and surest bet against seasonal flu.

Symptoms to watch out for flu:

What makes Turmflu effective to prevent from flu?

  • Turmflu is 100% pesticide free and is not polished. As Turmflu is Curcumin enriched, it provides the patient with the best chance of defeating the flu. Curcumin is a potent anti-viral and is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants.
  • The curcumin content of Turmflu is very high; this helps fight free radicals that can harm the immune system. A weakened immune system makes one more susceptible to infections. Turmflu, thus helps in strengthening the immune system as the Curcumin prevents the duplication of virus cells and microbes.

Symptoms to watch out for flu:

We have proof:

The powerful impact of Curcumin has been further proved by a study published in the year 2010 in the journal Food Chemistry that 30 micrograms of Curcumin can reduce the production of influenza virus in cell culture by 90%. Thus making Curcumin the most effective remedy against influenza as it checks the spread of the infection by preventing haemagglutination and interaction of HA protein with the host cell.

Vegetarians need not worry.

If you are worried that the Turmflu may consist of non-vegetarian ingredients then let me allay those fears as Turmflu is 100% vegetarian.

So, when you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above is sure to start with Turmflu.

Ayurveda clearly states, that Turmeric is the best Natural Anti-oxidant and is very effective in fighting the early symptoms of the flu.

Symptoms to watch out for flu:

Try these concoctions for instant relief from flu:

  • Gargle with a mixture of ½ tsp Turmflu and little milk and water.
  • Before going to bed a tsp of Turmflu in hot milk helps soothe the nerves.
  • Drink lots of water. Herbal tea with honey and Turmflu will soothe a sore throat.
  • Hot water with Turmflu, lemon, honey and cinnamon will keep you hydrated and also prevent mucus build-up.
  • Make ginger tea with Turmflu and add a tsp of honey to it.
  • Add Turmflu to your favorite tea and flavor it with ginger and raw organic honey.
  • Sprinkle Turmflu into a spoonful of raw organic honey. This method is good for soothing an infected throat.

With winters setting in, it is time to take care of your health. Keep a close watch and be on the lookout for the symptoms of the energy-sapping flu and as soon as the first signs are witnessed, take the preventive action and start taking Turmflu. It is your best friend against the seasonal flu. Just to remind you of the many wonders and pluses of Turmflu Curcumin enriched, anti-viral, 100% vegetarian, no pesticides, no polish. What more can one ask for, so this season give your system that added boost and order your bottle of Turmflu now to enjoy the new season.

Click here for more details : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28646616

1 thought on “A Wonder Cure to Fight the Change of Season Blues and the Flu

  1. Unlike many people, I absolutely hate winters as I become lethargic and sluggish and also the bouts of cold! The flu hits me really bad even if once I am exposed to the cold air! Turmflu came as a saviour in my life as once I regularly started taking it, I was more immune to the flu and could enjoy winters a bit!

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