With our wide range of especially curated turmeric products and their healthy attributes, you may want to inquire more or require assistance while browsing to know which product best suits your requirement. Feel free to ask us anything about our products for your ailments.

145 thoughts on “Bagdara Consultant

  1. Read this in WebMD , Curcumin will be absorbed by your digestive tract only if it is consumed along wit bioperine. Is bioperine added into any of your products?. If so, which product?.

    1. That’s correct, Bioperine along with Curcumin increases the bio availability . Bioperine is not added in any of our products, however, in all our recommended dosage, a pinch of black pepper is always suggested.

    1. You can try Tummyric. TUMMYRIC, enhances the digestive capabilities of the stomach, thus reducing the incidences of dyspepsia and consequently heartburn.
      You should aim for about 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder per day – Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Tummyric in warm water and add honey to taste with a pinch of black pepper, in the mornings

  2. I have ordered “Thyromeric”. As per USAGE prescribed this needs to be taken along with “Coconut milk”. Is it ok to replace Coconut milk with regular milk (Cow Milk).

  3. I want to know i can buy organic tutmeric from outside too and start drinking it. how different is your turmeric from market and so i can buy from you. i want to know

  4. Iam a SPK (Simulataneous Pancreas Kidney) transplant (June 2017) patient and iam on immuno-suppressants. Can i take this Tummyric? Will this not have contraindication to the tablets iam taking already? Please advise.

  5. Hi Sangeeta,

    My child is allergic to milk and milk products. He also get an on and off atopic lessions…your site does not talk about th ingredients used to make these products.. its becoming really difficult to convince myself to buy them..

  6. I ordered Sugeric for diabetes. I got that delivered yesterday.
    1) Should be considered in empty stomach?
    2) I prepared it today morning and consumed half cup in the morning and rest in the evening. Is it correct?
    3) I am consuming alopathic medicine. Is it mandatory to dis continue the same?
    4) For how many months should this be consumed?
    5) If I travel out of station and If I dis continue for a week will it be fine?

    1. Thank you for purchasing Sugeric. It is best to consume one cup in the morning and one in the evening. We suggest, you check your sugar levels one week post taking Sugeric regularly. Over the course of time you can discontinue the medicines . you will experience a visible change. You can use it as a curative and henceforth as a preventive.

  7. Do you have any particular product for respiratory problems like bronchial asthma and acute respiratory distress syndrome? If yes, how can it be taken?

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