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Turmeric, the golden goodness is not only being glorified globally for its illustrious past but the assurance it guarantees for a healthy future. This potent herb has succoured as the guardian of health since ancient times. From securing a rightful spot in the traditional space to being the most looked up the spice in the kitchen rack, to successfully carving its way to the pharmaceutical world, turmeric continues to be the undisputed queen of spices. With its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti ageing properties it has been the centre of attraction for the cosmetic world for many years now. This fiery spice is evolving at a fast pace, spreading the wings of its goodness, wholesomeness and soul purifying properties to reach out to more and more people across the world.

Boost Women Health: Need of the Hour

Turmeric and women have been hand and glove since the pre-historic times. Turmeric served as a principal beauty component, treated as a leading spice in the kitchen, turmeric has only strengthened its roots in our lives. A woman’s health is central to the smooth running of the lives intertwined with hers and deserves prime attention. Turmeric has been a natural source in combating the weighty issues, this makes its female fan club numbers increase. This revered spice has the potential to prevent and delay signs of ageing, as well as provide relief from several skin conditions,  making it a hot favourite amongst women again. The healing powers of turmeric are innumerable, it promotes women’s health, wellness and longevity and a solution to unique health issues.

How Shemeric Helps to Promote Women Health

At Bagdara Farms we understand that a woman’s health is of prime importance. Bagdara Farms specifically curated SHEMERIC, keeping in mind the challenging and the multifaceted role women in today’s time.

  • Shemeric plays an important role in curing some common reproductive disorders.
  • Painful periods accompanied, with stomach cramps can be a distressing condition.
  • The healing goodness of Shemeric boosts the inner strength of the woman’s body.
  • The micronutrients and abundance of calcium and magnesium in the specially crafted and doubly fortified Shemeric helps build up the essential bone density of women and keeps the muscle cramps at bay.
  • The organically cultured turmeric present in  Shemeric is also responsible for balancing the hormones which cause breakouts and irregular periods.
  • A healthy cup of Shemeric infused cold/hot milk, helps flush down toxins from our body and braces you with strength, to maintain hormonal balance during the sensitive 5 days every month. Beauty and turmeric tales date back to centuries.
  • Shemeric helps you stay glowing and radiant inside out.
  • Shemeric promotes cell turn over and skin cell generation, it also helps in maintaining the collagen to keeps your skin firm, glowing and supple.
  • Shemeric reduces fine lines and delays the onset of wrinkles all at the same time.

Turmeric now bottled up as the luxuriant Shemeric, still continues to be a constant companion of the multifaceted women of today.

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