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145 thoughts on “Bagdara Consultant

    1. Immuntoturm has the potential to heal, cure and build immunity because of its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties that helps in detoxifying the body, making the cells healthier and wards off free radicals from the body for a healthier system.

    1. TURMFLU, organically enriched with high levels of curcumin and possessing anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and virucidal properties, is your ideal homecare remedy for seasonal flu and viruses like chikunguniya.

    1. Barkumin , specially caters to all the needs of your pet dog from epipesy to arthiritis. You can mix ¼ teaspoon in your dogs meal to evade the health concerns. Topical application by mixing Barkumin with oil to combat the problem of ticks, itching and any other infection.

    1. Stressidra, will bring relief caused due to to stress and depression. Curcumin in STRESSIDRA helps all symptoms of depression and stress due to its anti-inflammatory property. The anti-oxidant property of curcumin helps in maintaining a balance between the anti and pro oxidant agents present in the body, which is due to poor diet and lack of physical activity and this, if not controlled can lead to degeneration of cells in the brain.

      1. how different is glowsysy and stressidra … can glowysy be consumed for health benefits apart from application on skin . can you tell me how to apply on the skin as well , I have severe pigmentation and acne problem and also lot of stress .

        1. Glowysy is for topical application. You can make a pack with 1 teaspoon of Glowysy mixed in curd and apply on face once daily. within a week you will see visible results.
          Stressidra you can consume by boiling 1/4 teaspoon of it in one cup of water with a pinch of black pepper added to it. Consume this twice daily.
          The difference lies in the level of curcumin

          1. Hi Sangeeta ,

            Thanks a lot for your response . Can I place order of Streesidra .. along with it can you send me a small sample of the Glowysy turmeric . I got very sensitive skin , I would like to see the skin’s reaction to Glowysy turmeric with 2/3 applications .Kindly let me know .

    1. We recommend OROMIN, for oral healthcare like gum problem and tooth pains.
      Gingivitis is an oral disease which affects the gums and leads to inflammation causing discomfort, redness and irritation. Though it is not painful in the beginning, but its symptoms can cause excruciating difficulty in eating and chewing food. If left untreated, Gingivitis can lead to bigger troubles like periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. Gingivitis can be a result of poor oral health and can lead to cavities, cysts and even cancer.

    1. For acne , blemishes and pigmentation we have Glowysy, a product of Bagdara farms which high on curcumin with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties helps cleanse the skin and reveals radiant and glowing skin. The anti-aging and anti-redness property of curcumin helps in protecting from acne scars, redness and lightens the wrinkles on the face and other body parts when applied properly.
      To treat acne, you simply have to make a paste by adding glowysy, sandalwood and little lemon juice. Apply this to your face and let it stay for 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Do this twice a week.

    1. YUMCUMIN, is the best product for kids.It helps in building a good immune system as it is enriched with high levels of vitamins, minerals, iron and calcium which are needed for the overall development of a child. It’s anti-septic, anti viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties helps in curing Cold, cough , fever and building immunity . Add ¼ teaspoon of YUMCUMIN in 1.5 cup on boiling milk. Add a pinch of pepper powder and 2 teaspoon palm sugar. Heat on low flame for 5 minutes . Serve the warm milk.

    1. To build strong immunity we recommend IMMUNOTURM, which is an anti allergic and immunity enhancing organic product. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals and having high levels of curcumin makes it the purest form of medication for therapeutic and healing purposes. It has the potential to heal, cure and build immunity because of its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-oxidant properties that helps in detoxifying the body, making the cells healthier and wards off free radicals from the body for a healthier system. Add 1/4 teaspoon Immunoturm to 1 cup boiling water with ginger, lemon and black pepper. Consume twice a day.

    1. We have Alchorid which helps deal with alcohol addiction and is side effects. Its Anti-inflammatory properties relieves inflammation in the liver and other organs due to the execrable alcoholism. It also manages to corner a number of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.It corners oxidative stress caused by alcoholism. It restores the daily hormonal levels in the circadian rhythms and is eminently efficacious in treating neurological disorders brought on by alcoholism. To use add ½ teaspoon of Alchorid in a glass of warm water with black pepper, and lemon will help to enhance the absorption rate. A glass of it before bed will ensure you of a goodnight sleep and will keep alcohol cravings at bay.

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