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Ultimate Necessity in Today’s Life : How To Beat Stress Naturally

beat stress with stressidra
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Stress has become part and parcel of our fast-paced life, and all of us experience it in one form or the other. For some of us speaking in public might cause unforeseen stress while for others getting stuck in traffic on a daily basis might be stressful.

Stress is always there in one form or the other, let us understand one thing very clearly, and that is stress is not always bad, the kind of stress that makes you put in your 100% to get the desired result is said to be positive( but the instances are few) The real problem with negative stress is when it begins to interfere with your life and continues for an extended period, then it becomes chronic, and chronic stress affects all systems of our body in a negative manner and it is detrimental for our well-being.

Stress changes our habits can lead to weight gain, damage our organs

How Stress Affects Different Parts and Systems?

  1. Respiratory system- when one is stresses one breathes harder which is no problem for a normal fit person, but if you have asthma or emphysema ( lung disease) then it becomes difficult to get oxygen to breathe.

In some cases acute stress can lead to panic attacks, death of a loved one can also cause an asthma attack.

  1. Cardiovascular system-this is not news that the heart and vessels work in tandem to ensure that all parts receive nourishment and oxygen, what is news though is the fact that our response to stress is also coordinated the activity of these two.

Stress can spike up our heart rate to an alarming extent and also the contractions become stronger, the adrenaline and other stress hormones become messengers of this effect. As part of the response to stress, the blood vessels also dilate thus pumping more blood at a faster rate which in turns increases the blood pressure. ( fight or flight response) once the situation improves everything comes back to normal

In case stress becomes Chronic then it means the effect is adverse on the cardiovascular system and also give rise to hypertension, heart attack or even a stroke.

The circulatory system may also be affected due to inflammation brought on by chronic stress

  1. Endocrine system- under stress the hypothalamus sends a signal to the autonomic nervous system along with the pituitary glands to produce stress hormones. This has a different effect on different organs

Kidney –adrenal cortex produces cortisol, and adrenal medulla produces epinephrine-giving to body the energy to run from danger

Liver– more cortisol and epinephrine make the liver produce more glucose, and this is detrimental for those battling type 2 diabetes

  1. Nervous system: chronic stress.—can Lead to anger issue, behavioural changes. Chronic stress can damage brain cells cause anxiety disorders
  2. Musculoskeletal system- the first sign of stress is tensed muscles which is the body’s natural response to stress, but if it persists then chronic stress gives rise to headaches, migraines and in extreme cases muscle atrophy, muscle tension gives rise to stress-related musculoskeletal conditions.
  3. Gastrointestinal –stomach-esophagus-bowel– are all affected by chronic stress causing symptoms like diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating and heartburn.
  4. Reproductive system—–Males can affect the testosterone levels. Reproductive system, sperm production and can lead to erectile dysfunction

Females –stress affects menstruation cycle, sexual drive

With stress becoming an integral part of our lives and the effects of stress touching every aspect of our life from behaviour to body functions and health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, infertility it is essential that we look for ways to combat it naturally. The best and the most natural way to fight all kinds of stress acute/chronic is to make Stessidra from Bagdara farms a part of your life.

How Stressidra busts stress?

If you have stress( means you are alive), then Stressidra is the perfect tool to beat it at its own game.

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