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Is Turmeric Safe For Your Children?

Keep children healthy with YUMCUMIN

In the dominant times of junk, processed and unhealthy food, children’s health issues have surfaced and are proliferating at a fast pace. The rate of development, of the immune system in children, is directly determined by various lifestyles and environmental factors. The increasing levels of pollution, and unhealthy lifestyle trends are already taking a heavy toll on our kid’s health. There is increasing incidence, of kids falling sick at the slightest instance.

This means the loss of all important study and playtime for a growing child, which is not healthy for their overall development. At this juncture, we require an embrace, of nature’s goodness and wholesomeness, in their lives to improve their quality of health.

Turmeric, with its central curcumin component, is an abundantly powerful immunity booster.

CHICKEN POX: The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties, of this revered spice, provides great relief, from itchiness caused by chicken pox, also stimulates healing. Add 2-3 tsp of turmeric in warm water does the magic

COLD AND COUGH: The anti-oxidizing and anti-inflammatory properties, of this potent herb, enhances the child’s sleeping hours, and keeps ailments like a cold cough and ear infections at bay. The therapeutic qualities, of turmeric, are a boon, when a pinch of turmeric, is mixed with honey and given to the kids. Turmeric and salt gargle is also an age-old remedy for treating sore throat.

Diarrhoea: Diarrhea, caused by the bacterial infection in the stomach, can be restrictive, and can cause a great amount of anguish, among the children. Turmeric, packed with the goodness of nature, has great antibacterial properties, that aids digestion and helps level the fluids in our body. A single teaspoon in water, not only combats the bacteria present but takes preventive measures as well.

FEVER: Fever, is a common ailment that causes the kids to give up their favourite playtime and stay indoors. Fever, is generally an indication of the immune system’s response, to an infection. Turmeric the most adored spice, the therapeutic goddess, packed with generous amount of curcumin, displays the most potent pharmacological properties. It battles inflammation causing fever, boosts immunity to reduce fever, and decimates infection, that could cause fever. A glass of warm milk, with a teaspoon of this magic spice, brims the goodness, you cannot buy over the counter.

MEASLES: Measles, is an inordinately contagious disease caused by the virus paramyxo, mostly infects children. Measles is a contagious respiratory infection. Our natural harbinger of health, turmeric, when mixed with honey or milk, not only aids recovery but boosts immunity. Bundled with anti-septic and anti-oxidant properties, it is an effective natural alternative for reducing the symptoms of measles.

A WHOOPING COUGH: One of the most worrisome ailment, to affect our little ones is whooping cough and if left improperly treated, leads to “coughing spells”. The humble turmeric, is the most natural remedy, with the goodness of its antibacterial and anti-viral properties. It helps in boosting immunity to enable, the child’s body to fight infections. Turmeric, mixed with honey, is a great counter measurement, to keep whooping cough at bay.  The yummy, YUMCUMIN from Bagdara Farms, enriched with the immunity boosting curcumin and essential oils, is the healthy, tasty, a must have an option for your growing child, ensuring him a fit and nurturing future. A glass full of golden milk, oozing with the therapeutic powers of YUMCUMIN is the quick and potent antidote, recommended for a healthy future.

YUMCUMIN is effective in activating the lymph glands and boosting the production of white blood cells, which are the body’s defence mechanism, against a plethora of infections and diseases. The anti-oxidizing and anti-inflammatory properties, of curcumin-rich, YUMCUMIN, helps flush out free radicals, gifting your growing child with an alert mind. A tasty addition, of YUMCUMIN turmeric, to your kid’s daily regime, is a sure shot promise of a healthy future from Bagdara Farms.

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