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Shemeric To Help With Menstrual Problems – A Must for all Girls

Shemeric solution to all menstrual problems

Periods are part and parcel of a woman’s life and some of us manage to get through those days just fine while some of us have to live with the excruciating pain. That is not just all, menstruation means different things for different women while some may experience light flow others have to deal with heavy to very heavy flow. Menstrual problems varies from girl to girl.

Menstrual problems can be the most common Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which includes common cramps, fatigue and these symptoms usually go when the periods begin.

We need to understand that menstrual cycle means different things for different women and it is important for all women to stay in tune with their body and must take medical advice if they notice any change in their cycle.

Different Menstrual Problems that you might experience:

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – you may have the symptoms one or two weeks before your date with periods, while some women experience no symptoms other women experience a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms

It isn’t necessary that you will experience the same symptoms every month, some women experience different symptoms every month while for others they stay the same. PMS is uncomfortable but it is not worrisome unless it interferes with your life.

Heavy periods: also known as menorrhagia, heavy periods mean you bleed more than normal and your periods may last longer than the usual 5 to 7 days.

Menorrhagia is usually caused by hormonal imbalance especially progesterone and estrogen.

Other causes of heavy bleeding could be:

Absent periods or Amenorrhea: in this case some women do not get their periods.

Primary amenorrhea is when you do not get your first period by the time you are 16 which can happen due to an issue with the pituitary glands, a congenital defect with the reproductive system or delay of puberty.

Secondary amenorrhea is when you do not get your periods for six or more months.

 Causes for primary and secondary amenorrhea in teenagers:

In case of adults amenorrhea could be brought on by:

Painful periods or dysmenorrhea: throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen which women experience before or during periods.

Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by periods

Secondary Dysmenorrhea is caused by certain problems with the reproductive organs


The thing with periods is that everyone knows of the condition and the problems women face but no one has actually done anything about it, but at BAGDARA FARMS we are working 24×7 to ensure that no woman has to face the problems associated with this natural process and you can find the solution to all your periods related problems in 1 product, we created Shemeric.

To ensure that you do not have to face these problems Bagdara Farms have carefully crafted Shemeric.

So why suffer silently when you have a friend in Shemeric. Get your bottle now.

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