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Beat the Exam Blues With Curcumin

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We are almost around the time of the year when the exams are starting. Times are so, that students of any class are experiencing a tremendous amount of pressure to do well. All thanks to parental pressure, peer pressure and the fear of not doing well in life. The saddest scenario is that these days, students don’t study to gain knowledge but just to score marks which results in high-stress levels. In the same breath, I would also like to add that not at times, this exam pressure can also help you keep focussed and most of the other times it makes the stress skyrocketing high!

What do the common signs and symptoms of exam stress look like?

Some of the reasons that can be responsible for the stress build-up which adds up to the above symptoms can be that the students feel that they are underprepared for an exam. They at times also feel the need to compete with others and get a certain percentage. It can also happen that they don’t have adequate time to prepare for the exam. Few students also feel the pressure as they find it hard to understand what they have been taught e.g. a particular topic or a subject.

A lot of suggestions are given to deal with the stress and anxiety related to exams. Some work and some don’t. Some work for a few people and not for everyone. One natural remedy which will also benefit students who are dealing with high-stress levels due to exams is the regular intake of curcumin. What is curcumin? It is a naturally yellow compound and a component of an Asian spice called turmeric.

Apart from helping to manage stress, curcumin also has many other medicinal benefits as stated in Ayurveda.

Please note that it is advisable to take good quality curcumin. The correct way of taking curcumin is along with a pinch of pepper for better bioabsorption of curcumin. Last but not the least, try and keep a positive frame of mind and calm for better performance in the exam. Wishing all the students the very best of luck for all their future endeavors!

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